S2. W19 - We need to Talk

I had booked marked 1 page so far. And that was because I felt I was being too picky. It was called Adonai. I almost didn't find it as it wasn't on the first few pages of the google search term, but somehow for some odd reason I had clicked through 5 ages of google results and somehow Adonai had jumped at me. I loved their slogan. "When there's no where else to go" It was simple but strong. Their website was very simple but I could tell it was professionally done. It wasn't a random person with no experience whatsoever in web design that decided to piece together a site, this was well thought out. Their choice of words, their images...Very marketable.

So far with everything I had read, I was impressed. Felt almost as though there were talking to me specifically. So I had bookmarked it. I was going to marinate on this a bit longer. I needed to anyways. 

My bladder started complaining again. These two creatures wont kill me o! Every time they wan wee wee. 
I put my laptop to sleep and went to address mother nature.

S2. W18 - Sticky.

So we stood outside the door. Photo in hand... and shock on our faces. I was numb. No.. no... not numb...I was feeling very besides myself. Yale put her arm around me..
"We are blocking the entrance...lets go the car.." Seems she had come through... well then again it would be easy for her to snap back. She doesn't have two human beings growing inside of her. She led me to the car.

"So....." Suni sat there like a statue her hands limp on her laps. "Suni?" I smacked her hand. "SUNI!"

"Yea...?" her response was so slow. She turned to me... "What?"

"Well....?" My eyes asked the rest of the million questions I had in my head. What was she going to do? How was this going to work out? One is overwhelming but two? like two babies..? Ah.

"Yale... you're asking the wrong person"

"Should we call your mom?"

She looked at me like I had just suggested I run her over with the car. "For what?"

"I don't know... she might have some good advice maybe.. maybe.. she'd say bring them to Naija? or I don't know maybe she can come here? I don't know Suni mothers are very... she might have good ideas?" She was just staring at my mouth moving but I knew she heard nothing.

"Nah.. not yet..."

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Hey Guys! It has been FOREVER and some hasn't it? Season 3 has been on the cooker for too long, but here's a question. ...